League hosts members for annual meeting


The League of Wom- en Voters of Seward County hosted League members from all across Nebraska for the state organization’s annual meeting April 23 at the Seward Civic Center.

The League is a national, nonpartisan organization that has encouraged informed and active participation in government since it was created in 1920. It promotes voter registra- tion, education and par-

ticipation, working to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy.

The League of Wom- en Voters in Seward County is open to all women and men and has its roots in an orga- nizational meeting held by Mrs. John Cattle in 1913 during the battle to gain women’s right to vote.

State Co-President MaryLee Moulton led the annual meeting, with about 40 mem- bers from the Omaha,

Lincoln, Hastings and Seward chapters attend- ing.

Seward League mem- bers prepared the lunch, and attendees heard presentations from an Afghan refugee and his family, and from a pair of Concordia Univer- sity students who are researching the life of Mildred Adaline Lind- sey, a former enslaved woman who contributed greatly to early Seward, in an effort to give her a grave marker where she is buried in a Seward cemetery.