BID NOTICE Haying of native grass/smooth brome is planned on Branched Oak WMA, Wagon Train WMA, Conestoga WMA, Hedgefield WMA, Stagecoach WMA and Bluestem WMA. We will be accepting bids for each area …


BID NOTICE Haying of native grass/smooth brome is planned on Branched Oak WMA, Wagon Train WMA, Conestoga WMA, Hedgefield WMA, Stagecoach WMA and Bluestem WMA. We will be accepting bids for each area separately and the winning bidders will be required to carry liability insurance of one million dollars. Interested parties should contact Shon Thelen at the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission at (402) 471-5434 to receive lease details, locations and bid sheets. Accepting bids until June 21. MT — June 05, 12, 2019