COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS Board of Commissioner Meetings are held each Tuesday morning in the Seward County Courthouse at 9:00 a.m., except for the first Tuesday of each month, …


COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS Board of Commissioner Meetings are held each Tuesday morning in the Seward County Courthouse at 9:00 a.m., except for the first Tuesday of each month, meetings will be held at 8:30 a.m. Board of Equalization meetings are held the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month starting at 8:30 a.m. Notice of each meeting is posted on the Courthouse bulletin board and on the Commissioner’s room door. The agenda for all meetings is kept continually current and is available for public inspection at the County Clerk’s Office during normal business hours. The agenda is held open until one business day prior to the meeting for appearance before the Board. The Board has the right to modify the agenda to include items of an emergency nature only at such public meeting. FEBRUARY CLAIMS ALLOWED FEBRUARY 25, 2014 February 11, 2014 The Seward County Board of Equalization convened on February 11, 2014 at 8:30 a.m. Present: Chairman Darrell Miller; Members: Mike Luebbe, Scott Stuhr, Mary Koci; County Clerk Sherry Schweitzer; County Treasurer Bob Dahms; County Assessor Marilyn Hladky. Absent: Member Diana Garske Approved the minutes of January 28, 2014. Approved a Tax Exemption Request for Great Plains Community Church. Hladky updated the Commissioners on activities of her office. Adopted the Agenda for February 25, 2014. Met as the Board of Commissioners. Approved the minutes of February 4, 2014. Wess Robotham of Southeast Nebraska CASA updated the Commissioners on activities of his organization. The Commissioners reported on their activities of the past week. Accepted the County Clerk and Clerk of the District Court Fee Reports for January 2014. Discussed mowing of Abandoned Cemeteries. Discussed the Road policy regarding Center Pivots. Adopted the Agenda for February 18, 2014. Adjourned at 9:45 a.m. Sherry Schweitzer, County Clerk MT — February 19, 2014