Motorcycle association rides to Milford


The Christian Motorcyclists Association of Nebraska stopped in Milford May 29 as part of its Thunder on the Plains Rally.

The group is part of a larger CMA network across the United States and working internationally to share Christ with other motorcycle enthusiasts and people from all walks of life.

The rally was headquarted at the Seward Civic Center, where participants met Friday night to kick off the three-day event.

Saturday’s agenda included time for fellowship and hearing Christ’s message, a bike show with live music, kids activities and a group ride around the area.

The CMA hosted a Sunday worship service at the bandshell, then rode to Milford for lunch.

The Rev. Rob Corum, a former Seward resident and member of the organization, said this was the second year Seward County has hosted the rally for the state of Nebraska.

Corum previously served as pastor at Faith Lutheran Church in Seward and now lives in Lincoln serving in prison ministry full time.

He said the rally serves as a way to bring people together and let the community know what they’re all about.

“We want to have a presence in the local businesses while we’re here,” he said.

The rally included five mealtime opportunities for members to patronize local restaurants, as well as an ice cream social at Dairy Queen.

They also made time to visit the farmers market on Saturday and check out local shops over the weekend. Some stayed at area hotels – all chances to share their reason for being in town and the message of Christ.

The CMA has 14 chapters across Nebraska, with more than 1,200 chapters across the 50 states and chapters in 31 foreign countries.

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